Trestle Board November 2014

November 10th, 2014

From the Worshipful Master


We are at the end of my term as Master of the Lodge and I would like to thank all of you who have continued to serve Wayfarers. We have raised several quality men this year and have a strong line that will continue to build upon the successes we have all worked to achieve. I hope that you will support our progressive line and elect them to represent our lodge moving forward, they have earned your respect and support. As Master you set many goals that you would like to achieve, and then find out that it takes a whole of support to get just one thing done. One of my goals that I was not able to achieve was to get many of the members who don’t attend regularly coming back to lodge. I know this will continue to be a goal for our new Master and I will support him however possible in getting this done, along with his other agenda items. We have a relatively young officer line, and this is something that I’m most proud of as we are positioned to have new ideas, new energy and a new era of good men that will be leaders of this lodge for many years to come.

I want to say thank you to our sisters and brothers of Sunnyslodpe Chapter #47 for all of the support you have given me and our lodge. Without your fraternal love and support, I don’t know how we would get half of things done that we did. To our daughters and council of Bethel #22, your support for Wayfarers has been a blessing as well, proving that if we all focus on the masonic family, we can all benefit together. The daughters have honored me by allowing me to be a part of some of the most pivotal years in a young lady’s life, and I have seen so many young girls grow into beautiful young women, I thank you for that privilege.

Brothers, our lodge is small and we have lost many good pillars of the lodge over the last several years, but as we look forward to the good young men joining our lodge and taking positions in the progressive line, it give me confidence that Wayfarer’s is strong. Join me in giving these men a vote of confidence by voting them up the line, and then coming to support them in their efforts.
Again, thank you for having the confidence in me to lead our lodge this year, and for your relentless support.


Doug Steele
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

Brothers and Friends,

Here we sit on the verge of the end to another Masonic year, and I look back on this year with pride and humility at the same time. Our Master has allowed me to run with a number of ideas and we were able to achieve a great number of things. It is without doubt, though, that had it not been for the great efforts of those around me, these things would not have gotten done.

We have a new Past Masters’ Row, one that will service the lodge for many year. We fixed the AC units by your vote of confidence on those of us leading. We fixed items in the lodge that had festered over time, such as bathroom fixtures, etc. We had a great Pig Out event and it was our most successful fundraising event in nearly five years. These accomplishments do not come easy, and each and every brother, friend, daughter, and sister that participated for the greater good of what goes on in our building should be very proud. We as leaders look to the Craft, and to our Masonic Families for help and support, and we received it in droves! I am ever grateful to you all.

I have been very lucky to serve as this Lodge’s Senior Warden over this past Masonic Year, and I could not have asked for a better experience. I want to thank our Worshipful Master for the continued vote of confidence he shows me, and I want to thank the members of this lodge for that same favor. I have never in my life been entrusted with so much, and I am humbled, honored, and truly grateful for the privilege. As we look forward to next year I hope that we can continue this trend of greatness, and I have no doubt that Wayfarers will soon no longer be that “best-kept secret” of Masonry in Arizona. We are being noticed, and we should all be VERY proud of what we have done!

With humble thanks to you all,

Jason Michlowitz
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

When I became Junior Warden of Wayfarer’s Lodge, I didn’t really know what it would involve. The Junior Warden is responsible for the refreshment of the lodge, but also for aiding the Senior Warden and Worshipful Master, and for communicating with the brethren. This is also the first year I have been required to vote at the Grand Lodge Communication, and so I attended my first such event.

Most important to me, I learned a great deal about the positions that come after mine in the officers’ line, a line I hope to continue to follow, if my brothers so desire it. This is experience I want to continue to build upon in my Masonic career, and whatever happens after this year, I will always have an understanding of the duties of the position, and an idea of what those who came before, and will come after, me, have also experienced.

Thank you, brothers, for the opportunity.

Bryan Bullock
Junior Warden

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