Trestle Board June 2015

June 8th, 2015

From the Worshipful Master

Brothers and Friends,

This weekend was one of the most amazing experiences I have had thus far as a Mason. As everyone knows, among my duties to the lodge is to represent Wayfarers at the Annual Communication, but also to help manage our delegation’s position on various legislative actions, meet new and old brothers alike, and provide the Grand Lodge with a positive light about our little home in Sunnyslope.

We as a lodge are being noticed. I had more than one Grand Lodge officer come up to me and personally comment on the great things we are doing. From our educational programs, to our website (which won an award by the way) we are being noticed for all the great things that we as a lodge do, not only for ourselves, but for the state.

As I have said many times before, I am honored and privileged to have been elected to serve this great and wonderful institution of ours. Wayfarers is my home, and wearing her name on my shirt and proudly showing whom I serve is a great thing to do at the state level. I want to thank you all for the trust you have shown in me.

Jason Michlowitz
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

The annual Grand Lodge Communication is the largest Masonic meeting you are ever likely to see–and it is a stated meeting, one at which legislation is voted on and business is conducted.

After two Communications, I am left with the dual, unshakable feelings that it would be difficult to find a situation where a man can feel so welcome simply by wit of what he is… And that there is nothing so simple that Masons cannot complicate it.

But the argument and discussion and seemingly endless talk has a purpose: to make Arizona Masonry stronger. To bring us closer as brothers, and increase the bond between men and lodges.
And while I must admit that there are times during the Communication that I would rather be somewhere else, there is still a feeling of accomplishment and brotherhood, when the gavel comes down.

Bryan Bullock
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

I was asked by the worshipful master to write about my experience of the Grand lodge as a voting member of the Arizona Grand Lodge. It started early Friday morning; I woke up at 4:45 PM to leave by 5:15, at 6:00 A.M. I arrived at my destination where I immediately began seeing Brethren I have not seen in a few years and began catching up with them and getting them caught up with me.

At 8:30 am is where it started to get really interesting and my real journey through an incredible experience began. The opening of lodge was quite mundane: a bunch of grand masters from other jurisdictions are introduced to the craft and dignitaries are as well. The first legislation I voted for as a Grand Lodge member was to give a charter to a new lodge, and the last legislation I voted on was to return a charter.

My journey on day 2 was about to begin. Apparently on Saturday at Grand Lodge, even more grand lodge members decided to show up and cast their votes. The Room was filled with past masters from all over the state, even lodges that have been shut down had past masters at Saturday’s Grand Lodge. I been to Masonic education events throughout the state and never been around so many Brothers.

Saturday’s Grand lodge was truly the most amazing experience in my masonic career, and I am very pleased my lodge elected me as an Officer to represent Wayfarers Lodge #50 at the 133rd Annual Communication.

Thank you, Brethren.

Ben Kruse
Junior Warden

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