Trestle Board February 2018

February 13th, 2018

From the Worshipful Master

Brotherly Love,

Freemasonry instructs that every Mason is made ready first in his heart, and at the close of our Masonic quest. It is the purified heart which we use to serve our fellow man. Among all our teachings, none are more important than Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Unfortunately in the world today, it seems like the practice of brotherly love falls short of ideal. Peace and harmony do not rule the day. There is conflict around the world. As a humanity, we are not very good at the practice of brotherly love. Perhaps it is because we don’t really know what it is.

I feel we need to do more to be the leaders in showing this to everyone we come in contact with.

Ken Olsen
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

The three principle tenets of Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. This month’s theme is Brotherly Love. It’s one of the closest bonds people can have. There is no greater love than family, and we are brothers.

What that means is that we will be there for each other when we’re needed, either by request, or to give a guidance in the right direction when one of us should go beyond the scope of our Compass.

We always treat each other with the utmost respect, and even when there are issues and things get a little heated, as we saw a couple of meetings ago, we are Brothers and we are honest with each other and work through our issues. It’s important for us as a family to set aside our differences at times and work together to support, aid and protect each other and our Lodge.

I look forward to the remainder of the term as we continue to grow our Lodge and have fun!


Stephen Liguori
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

SHORT TALK BULLETIN – Vol.XI February, 1933 No.2

by: Unknown

I read this article which talked about the wages that a Master Mason receives, the right to vote, the right to travel and visit other lodges, and the right to receive Masonic charity. The more interesting aspect of the story was to not take for granted the less obvious wages that all Master Mason can enjoy.

We as Master Masons get to become acquainted with many men with different experiences and points of view. This should be taken as a blessing that enhances our personal growth, but also a wage we get to enjoy. This gives a chance to put in practice the lesson of tolerance, so we can practice what we preach, another wage. We can also find payment in serving the lodge on committees or in the officer line, because personal growth and satisfaction in doing a good job should be a wage of all good men, and only a Past Master can appreciate the special wages paid to these men.

Let also consider other tangible wages we should be aware of and appreciate. Imagine the payment one gets by passing on knowledge to our fellow brothers to help them achieve their lessons and be proficient in their work. Finally, for me one of the best wages of all is being a part of such a historical fraternity. A fraternity that has as its members hundreds of the greatest men in history. Men who made a difference in their eras that had lasting effects even today. I’m proud to be a member of this fraternity and this lodge in particular, and that is a wage for me.


Doug Steele
Junior Warden

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