From the Worshipful Master
The 2013 annual installation of officers was very well attended and everyone enjoyed the proceedings and dinner as well. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all of your support and assistance. I could not be more proud of our lodge and the fine men and Masons who comprise it. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve the craft as your new Master. I sincerely hope y’all are as fond of me a year from now as you have been over the weekend (insert grin!).
To all of you and all of our Masonic family, please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, ideas and insights that will make our organizations better by encouraging growth, attendance, charity, joy and above all peace and harmony.
Fraternally Yours,
George Daggett
Worshipful Master
From the Senior Warden
First I would like to congratulate WB Rick Hinson for a fine year as Master, and to Worshipful George Daggett and his officer line on their appointment to serve Wayfarers Lodge #50 in 2013. We had a fine installation, and I appreciate everyone’s support in making it a fun and successful event. Congratulations to WB Walt Hinson for receiving Mason of the Year, this award was long overdue to a brother that has done so much over the years for Wayfarers.
We have several Brothers who are not feeling well and need our prayers and supports to see them back to a speedy recovery.
I look forward to serving you as Sr. Warden this coming year, with hope that together we can continue to do many great things.
In the Craft,
Doug Steele
Senior Warden
From the Junior Warden
Brothers and Friends,
First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the brothers at Wayfarers who have the confidence in me to allow me to serve them in the South. I am honored, humbled, and I hope that I meet your expectations as we enter into our new Masonic year. I am looking forward to learning, and growing in the Lodge in this new phase of my Masonic life, and I am looking forward to the challenges I will face. This year is shaping up to be very positive for our Lodge, and I hope that this will be my opportunity to start giving back to the Craft what it has so selflessly given me.
In addition to being elected Junior Warden, our Worshipful Master George Daggett has entrusted me with the Chair of our newly formed Digital Presence Committee. This committee, which has already been working tirelessly to create our new website, Facebook page, and other media for communication, has done great things to make our events known outside of stated meetings, in the hopes that we can have fun and socialize, and maybe even fill our coffers along the way. Please visit the website at and please follow us on Twitter if you have an account @wayfarers50 ( Everyone should also know we have a Facebook page at which gets a fair amount of activity. Feel free to comment on posts. Keep in mind that you do not have to follow these things if you do not wish to, and snail-mail is still available for those brothers that do not use digital means on a regular basis. These things are here to ease the task of advertising our goings on in the hopes of better turn-outs for events. Also, if any of the officers are still having problems with their e-mail, please contact me. I will do what I can to help you. If you have been issued an e-mail address, please use it. Once I complete the officers page on the website, all of the e-mails will be published and publicly available.
I also would like to take the time to Thank WB Rick for his outstanding service to the Craft over the previous year and the great strides we made as a Lodge under his leadership. To WB Walt Hinson, a congratulations on receiving Mason of the Year. It is well deserved, long overdue, and there is not a more fitting recipient. To WM George, a congratulations on becoming our new Master. I have been looking forward to serving you in the South, and I have no doubt you will lead us to great things. Your commitment to the Craft, to Wayfarers, and your brothers is without bounds.
Lastly, I would like to schedule Stated Meeting dinners as early as possible in the hopes of making these easier. I will be contacting representatives of each of the groups that operate in our building to finalize a schedule.
We have a lot of degrees coming up, and I would really like to see large turn-outs for these. Let’s bring our membership back into the Lodge to see all of the great things we have accomplished together, and to meet our new brothers. We have many new brothers going through the Degrees right now that are eager to learn, and to participate. Let’s all show them together what it means to be a Mason, but especially a member at Wayfarers. We have all heard it before… We are the Best Little Lodge in Arizona. Let’s prove it!
Yours in the Craft,
Jason Michlowitz
Junior Warden