Trestle Board April 2015

April 20th, 2015

From the Worshipful Master

This week we celebrate a very special occasion. It is our 60th anniversary! This is quite an accomplishment for a little lodge like ours. It shows drive, determination, and a willingness for all who are members to work on something bigger than themselves.

Wayfarers has a rich history. What started from ten Masons that formed a club in the Sunnyslope area of Phoenix has since seen almost 500 brothers pass through our hallowed halls. We currently have over 80 members and we are attracting new people all the time. We have a vibrant Jobie Bethel that resides with us, and a wonderful Eastern Star chapter that cares as much about the goings on in our building as much as we do. It is truly a humbling privilege to preside over such an auspicious occasion and I am honored simply to be a part of it.

Let’s look forward to the next 60 years, and 60 after that, because we do great work, and we will continue to endure long into the future.

Jason Michlowitz
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

A lot can happen in sixty years.

Since 1955, sixty years ago, much has happened. Events that changed lives and the world. That shaped individuals and societies.
In sixty years, two to three familial generations can pass.

And sixty years ago, Wayfarers Lodge #50 of Free and Accepted Masons was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge of Arizona. And since 1955, generations of men have been initiated into the Lodge and been taught the values of brotherly love, charity, truth. Of equality and justice. Of faith and fidelity.

There are others places than Masonry to learn such ideals.

But for sixty years, good men have been taught to be better men, in the Lodge’s environs, and gone into the world to show what the Lodge has made of them. Not always perfect, but always endeavoring to be so.
And still, this Lodge continues to make better men. And perhaps it will for sixty, or 160, or more, years.

Bryan Bullock
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

On April 25 of 2015, Wayfarers lodge #50 will be 60 years old.

WOW! How incredible is that, brothers? Imaging how many Brothers have been Initiated, Passed and Raised at Wayfarers Lodge #50 in that time. Imagine how many people put hard work and sweat into this little lodge. Imagine how many Grand Masters have visited our lodge!

Masons in Arizona, refer to Wayfarers Lodge as the Hidden Gem of Arizona Masonry. We have something special going on with our lodge brothers. We provide an education system like no other in the state, while lodges discuss stuff like famous presidents who were masons, we discuss Secret Doctrines and Mysteries of Magic in our Masonic education night.

All the hard work that past masters and lodge brethren have put fourth sure have made wayfarers lodge, the most special lodge in Arizona. And on April 25th, we will celebrate not only the Anniversary date of Wayfarers lodge but we will celebrate the hard work that was done to make today happen.

I not only celebrating Wayfarers lodge #50 60th Birthday, I am also celebrating the Brethren who have made this day possible. 60 years is a long time and I will continue my part so this lodge may evolve into an even better lodge for future masons.

Ben Kruse
Junior Warden

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