Trestle Board May 2016

May 9th, 2016

From the Worshipful Master

Brotherly love. It’s one of the tenets of Masonry. But what does it mean?

It is a feeling of affection and comradeship, but it goes beyond that.

In the Christian Bible, brotherly love is mentioned in a deeper way: a feeling of familial care–the love extended to family–extended to other believers.

Masonry is not a religion, but in a way, the Biblical definition of “brotherly love” applies to Masons, as well. Masons call each other “brother,” and extend to reach other the same affection and respect as they would to family.

As such , Masons offer each other a helping hand when it is needed, or an ear and advice when that is needed. We support each other, and share each other’s burdens and troubles. This is what families do.
This is brotherly love.

Bryan Bullock
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

Freemasonry has three great tenets; they are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. When it comes to Relief, there is a way we can quantify how much Relief is given or received. Every organization in Freemasonry has at least one charity they donate to. We can calculate how much money is given to support then. There are also scientific research institutes and hospitals supported by Masonic organizations. We can quantify how much time and money goes into running these charitable ventures. But when it comes to Brotherly Love, it becomes very hard to put a price on it. It is hard to quantify in earthly monetary units receiving aid from a Brother in the Lodge. When you are weighed down with the pressures of life and have need to counsel with another, and a brother gives an attentive ear and an instructive tongue, it becomes very difficult to quantify. When you know you can call or text a brother from your Lodge for help or assistance, it lifts a burden on the heart that you cannot put a price on. I have often said that a good friend is worth more than $10,000 of therapy, and is 5 times as effective. We are taught Brotherly Love several ways in our ritual. This lesson is not only in the Blue Lodge, but also in the rituals in the appendant bodies. I clearly remember a small part of the Mark Master’s degree where I was taught Brotherly Love and I had a big grin on my face the whole time. It was a beautiful part of the ceremony. I encourage you to reflect upon the lessons of Brotherly Love taught within the fraternity. I’m sure there is a Brother on our Lodge that can use a pat on the back or a listening ear or a word of counsel or word of encouragement.

Christopher Huson
Senior Warden.

From the Junior Warden

Brotherly love is an important care of good men who wish to see their brothers grow; not just in masonry, but in all aspects of life. Brotherly love is placing yourself side-by-side next to your brethren, supporting them in their endeavors and standing ready to assist them, whether they need help moving or just need a knowing ear. It is the knowledge that whatever problem they face, from the mundane to the extreme, they have someone in you whom they know the utmost confidence can be placed.

Brotherly love is also the willingness to chastise, should the need arise. This instruction, however, should be given with the same love as before; we must aim to improve our brothers, lift them to higher standards. We are all but men, and all eventually err; this should be especially remembered when receiving instruction, as give it you may, so to will you eventually receive. Through this repeating cycle of love and instruction, we are all made better men.

“Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons and they will follow you to the deepest valleys.” -Sun Tzu

Cameron Smith
Junior Warden

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