From the Worshipful Master
Summer is here and we are having a great time this year. We have six Entered Apprentice’s and Fiesta Day on the 19th. The Grand Lodge Communication is at the end of the month. And it should be interesting to say the least.
It was great to see Worshipful Brother Forrest at lodge last month and hope to see more of him. Brother Mike Checknas is home from the hospital and we look forward to seeing him soon.
Congratulations to Bethel 22 on their fundraiser for the Shriners hospital. It was a smashing success. Our DeMolay need help with advisors so if you are interested you can get in touch with me or Brother Richard Ballou. Also if you know any young men between ages of 12 and 21 who might be interested you can reach us as well.
Our newly designed website will be up soon as will our new email system.
Rick Hinson WM
From the Senior Warden
I’d like to start this with a heart-felt THANK YOU to all the brothers, families and friends who came out for the Annual Pig Out. We served about 40 meals, everyone had plenty to eat and there were nearly no “leftovers”. The Pig Out was a huge success. We couldn’t have pulled it off without the help of brothers Pat Corrigan, Darrell Jenkins, Jason Michlowitz, Doug Steele, Jeff Tench and, of course, Rick Hinson. I certainly hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. Thank you brothers all, for putting on a great event.
The Annual Grand Lodge Communication is right around the corner. May’s SM will involve getting a consensus among Wayfarers, in order that your wishes will be properly conveyed by your officers. The May SM will be an important one.
Lastly, I’d like to invite all brothers, family and friends to enjoy another great opportunity to fellowship over some great cuisine. Our Fiesta Day celebration will be at Wayfarers Lodge on the 19th of May from 11am to 4pm. We look forward to another opportunity to visit with all of you.
George Daggett S.W.
From the Junior Warden
Summer is upon us and there seems to be no escaping the speed at which the year is progressing.
We have initiated six men and they are waiting to progress to their second degrees. These newly obligated brothers have a personal responsibility within Freemasonry to learn all that they can Masonically during the time they are going through the degrees and beyond. Outside the catechism and the workbook that accompanies each degree, there is much that is still taught through watching and doing. Exactly like how our operative brethren learned to cut and fit stones on the job, each one of our newly obligated brothers must learn to be a Mason by attending the degrees and the monthly business meetings. I personally encourage each one of these men to attend every degree that they are allowed and every Stated Meeting.
One of the things that struck me during each one of my degrees was that men whom I didn’t know very well gathered there for my benefit. These men could have been at home with their families, working at their respective vocation or enjoying much due leisure time, but instead they attended our lodge to initiate, pass and raise me. It was very humbling. I would suggest that this effort is part of the bond created through the degrees in Masonry, and something that each brother who is finally raised should continue through sustained support in attendance of our degrees.
I would encourage every brother to attend as many degrees as he is able to. Not only to show your support for the candidates, but that you also might see and hear the tradition and wisdom that is conveyed in each one of our ceremonies.
Jeremy Borie JW
From the Secretary
As we move into the summer months and before going dark it would be nice if all the Brothers sent in their yearly dues. The Lodge operates each year off the yearly dues paid by the Brothers. If we are short on dues we will be short on monies to operate the Lodge. If all our EA’s get their work done we could have a lot of degree work this summer. We have had a very good year so far and I hope it will continue. All the Lodge officers have done their work above standard and it has made a great difference when putting on the degrees. We are very honored to have our Lodge members putting on all the degree work and not having to bring in outsider to put on the Degrees.
Yours in the Craft,
Walter Hinson PM PP, Secretary