Worshipful Master
Stephen A. Liguori, PM
The Worshipful Master is the leader of our Lodge. He is responsible for conducting our ritual, leading our stated meetings, conferring degrees, maintaining the budget, and working with the board of trustees. All lodge proceedings are at his will and pleasure.
Senior Warden
Edward C Balko
The Senior Warden assists the Worshipful Master in the execution of his duties. He can take charge of the Lodge in the Master’s absence. Also, he is responsible for the proficiency of the lodge’s ritual work, and tending to the sick and distressed.
Junior Warden
Wayne Foster
The Junior Warden is responsible for the Craft while they are at refreshment. This includes dinners at the stated meeting, providing drinks and snacks for social functions, as well as assisting the Worshipful Master in planning fundraising events here at Wayfarers.
Christopher Britt, PM
The Secretary of Wayfarers is responsible for taking a true and accurate account of lodge proceedings and accepting money from the brethren to be paid to the Treasurer. He is responsible for reporting proceedings to the Grand Lodge of Arizona when required, and responds to correspondence from brothers and other lodges.
Marc A. Mittelsteadt, PM
Wayfarers Treasurer is responsible for keeping a true and accurate account of all of the finances as well as receiving all incoming funds from the Secretary. His responsibility for the payment of all Lodge bills as well as making reimbursements by order of the Worshipful Master and consent of the lodge, usually by a vote.
Senior Deacon
Andrew Ogle
The Senior Deacon conducts candidates as they make their way through the degrees here at Wayfarers Lodge No. 50. He attends all alarms at the door of the preparation room, receive and conduct new candidates and introduces and accommodates visiting brothers from other lodges. He also readies the lodge before each stated meeting.
Junior Deacon
Kevin Furman
The Junior Deacon attends all alarms at the door of the lodge and sees to it that Wayfarers Lodge No. 50 is tyled, whereby directing the Tyler accordingly. He assists the Senior Deacon in conducting candidates through the degrees and readying the lodge before each meeting. He also may be called upon to assist in welcoming guests.
Senior Steward
C. J. Liguori
The Senior Steward is responsible at Wayfarers for leading the effort to prepare a candidate for his degree. Also, he serves to assist the Junior Warden in the execution of his duties with the preparation of meals and provide refreshments. He does other duties as assigned by the Junior Warden and the Worshipful Master.
Junior Steward
Tom Uli
The Junior Steward is an assistant to both the Junior Warden and the Senior Steward. He also assists in the preparation of candidates for their degree as well as other duties such as assisting during social functions and fundraisers at Wayfarers Lodge No. 50. Other duties may be assigned as well by the Worshipful Master and Junior Warden.
Jason Brock
The Chaplain leads the lodge during invocations and prays that the lessons learned in the Wayfarers Lodge are used on the outside as well. He prays that we can keep our passions within due bounds towards all mankind. Our Chaplain may be called upon to be lead a prayer at any time.
Clay Condra
The Marshal is responsible for posting of the Colors in their Honored Place in the East at each of our stated meetings and degrees. He interrogates would-be Masons before they are invited into the lodge for the first time, and also acts as a Sergeant-At-Arms per the orders of the Worshipful Master.
The Tyler of Wayfarers Lodge No. 50 serves as the Sergeant-At-Arms protecting the outer door of the lodge. It is his responsibility to turn away cowans and eavesdroppers in order to maintain the secrecy of our lodge proceedings. In addition, our Tyler will test visiting brothers from other lodges and jurisdictions.