Brothers and Friends,
Tomorrow night at 7:00PM we begin again anew our monthly round-table discussion. This is open to all men Masons and non-Masons alike. Come share with us as we learn together and engage in some fellowship.
Brother Chris Huson will be leading the discussions. The topic is as follows
Symbolism and Secrecy
Learning Objectives:
• Discuss the use and importance of secrecy in Freemasonry
• Discuss the use and importance of symbolism in Freemasonry
• Discuss ways to view/ loot at/ interpret symbols
• Discuss the how we can become better men through these principals
Information will be taught from a variety of sources, but primarily from two short talks entitled “Secrecy in Symbolismâ€, and “Secrecy.â€
Come to learn, discuss, and share your own thoughts and opinions on secrecy and symbolism. Most of all come to meet new people, strengthen friendships, and fellowship with other like minded individuals.
Next week we will be having a second degree. Our candidates work hard so please be there to support him.
Finally don’t forget we will be having our French Toast Breakfast on February 7th! We look forward to sharing a meal and fun with everyone
Hope to see everyone soon.