Ecuador Earthquake Relief

May 12th, 2016

Brothers and Friends,

We would like to share with you a message from Worshipful Brother Ronald Watkins, Past Master of Wayfarers Lodge. WB Ron has been living these past few years in the country of Ecuador, which was recently affected by a terrible earthquake. The Grand Master of Ecuador has asked WB Ron to be a liaison to the Americas in the hopes that we may help the brother Masons affected in that country.

Please read his message to us:


As you know I am Master of Cuenca Wayfarers Lodge #69 here in Cuenca. [Named for Cuenca Wayfarers #50 in recognition of my efforts to found it.] We have established a PayPal account to allow brothers and others to contribute the aid and assist brother Masons devastated by the earthquake here in Ecuador.

The Grand Master called tonight to discussed the situation in the effected areas at length and to express his gratitude that we are acting to help. He impressed upon me how urgent the need is and that we must not delay. The lodge building in Puertoviejo was destroyed. The lodge building in Montecristi is uninhabitable and will be taken down. No brothers died but many sustain damage to their homes. At least two brothers lost their businesses because the buildings collapsed. A number of others have lost their jobs because the businesses no longer exist. Most, if not all, of the brothers have lost a family member or friend. The Grand Master has been driving supplies to the area and giving them to our brothers and their families. He said the smell of death pervades the entire area.

The Grand Master appointed me to head up the efforts of the Grand Lodge of Ecuador in contacting the Grand Lodges in North America to solicit assistance.

The PayPal account is:

The account is active and can receive donations now. I urge you to send an email to all of our brothers to let them know this is a way they can help. These donations are not tax deductible. It is my hope that you will encourage them to post this information on their social media pages and contact others to help. Thank you all for everything.


Ron Watkins PM
Worshipful Master
CWL #69

If you are unfamiliar with PayPal but would still like to give, please contact WB Doug Steele who will be collecting donations on behalf of this effort and the money will be sent through the appropriate channels. As Masons, charity and helping those that need it are paramount to our way of life. Please try to find it in your hearts to give a little in the hope that it might save a life, and make living easier for brothers affected by this horrible tragedy. To contact WB Doug Steele about donations outside of PayPal, please send an e-mail to and it will be forwarded appropriately.

Brothers, also please be aware that we are excited to announce that we are hosing a table lodge June 7. All Masons may join, including younger brothers not yet Master Masons. Tickets are $30 and you will receive an excellent meal and a keynote speaker. We only have 30 tickets available so please act quickly.

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