Brothers and Friends,
Tomorrow night at 7:00PM we will be having a First Degree. Our candidate is really excited to be with us so let’s have a great showing.
Our Trestle Board for April is now available at the following link.
For Masonic Education this month, we will be studying “The Great Teachings of Masonry” once again for those who have been coming that have yet to hear the great teachings that come from this amazing book. The chapter can also be found online at the following link.
Also it is very important to note that we have a new mailing address.
P.O. Box 26278
Phoenix, AZ 85068-6278
If your does have come back, please resend to the above address and we will be sure to process these as quickly as we can. Thank you to everyone for your patience.
Finally, this weekend our main event is here! Our 60th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Pig Out! We will have a raffle, and great food, speakers, and a lot of fun, so please bring all of your family and friends!
We look forward to everyone participating in all of these great events.