Trestle Board January 2015

January 12th, 2015

From the Worshipful Master

We all make resolutions. Some of us do it at the New Year. Others do it when we reach a milestone in life like age or a major event like marriage. Others do it at random times. But what they all are intended to do is improve our habits and better our lives. Some of us wish to lose weight, some of us want to call or visit home more often, still others wish to reach out to old friends or make new ones. We as Masons should resolve each year to be better then the last.

What does this mean? Simple. Do more. Help more. Love more. And be there for each other more. Our obligations make it incumbent upon us all to help those in distress. In the last year, has there ever been a time when you were asked for help by a brother and didn’t? Could you have helped? Should you have? Remember that this is what being a Mason is all about.

I challenge each and every brother of Wayfarers to go that extra mile to help someone in need. It could be as simple as lending an ear to listen, giving of your time, or maybe even a little financial help. But whatever it is, it will be appreciated.

I resolve to do the same, and through out this year I plan to keep my eye out and my ear open for those in need. Will you join me?

Jason Michlowitz
Worshipful Master

From the Senior Warden

With the new year arrived, many people make resolutions to do something that is good for them, or stop doing something bad for them. But I think this is a good time, in addition to resolutions involving health, wealth, and society, to make Masonic resolutions.

There are things we take oaths to do as Masons, and things expected of us. But sometimes, it’s hard to remember them in daily life. As I am the Senior Warden this year, and represented by the Level, my Masonic resolution is to “be on the Level.”

I always try to be honest, of course, and to treat others as equals. But resolving to be honest, to act in an equitable way, to be on the Level in all things and situations, is a way to remind myself that it is something to strive for, every day and in every way. That being on the Level is not just a way to present ourselves in Lodge, but in life.

A Masonic resolution.

Bryan Bullock
Senior Warden

From the Junior Warden

It’s not to late to make a New Year’s resolution.

What resolution are you making to make Wayfarers Lodge the best lodge in Arizona in 2015? Brethren, this lodge does not run by it’s self, it requires participation from all the Brethren. here are some examples of how you can help Wayfarers Lodge remain the best lodge in Arizona.

Make an effort to attend Masonic funeral services. Freemasonry obviously meant a lot to the deceased Brother and his family because they have asked for the service. Make an extra effort to show them that it means a lot to you as well.

Donate an anonymous amount to the Lodge to help build a future for Wayfarers in the upcoming years.

Brethren, it’s important to remember what ever you do, whether its a tiny gesture or, you give in anyway you can provide, it’s the only way Wayfarers Lodge will survive and flourish in Sunnyslope.

Ben Kruse
Junior Warden

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