Brothers and Friends,
The Third Degree will have to be rescheduled for the 29th and will NOT be taking place. Instead we will be having another Third Degree practice. Please make a note of this on your calendar, and the Lodge calendar has been updated. Please note that the Third Degree that was to be held has not yet been rescheduled. Watch for an announcement as to when this will be.
Below is a message from Worshipful Master Doug Steele:
Due to circumstances beyond my control the 3rd degree schedule for Tuesday, July 29th is officially cancelled and will be rescheduled in the near future. I apologize to our candidate and to everyone for the inconvenience and delay this will cause.
We will have a 3rd degree practice on Tuesday, July 29th, at 7PM and I am respectfully requesting that everyone who has a part in this degree, be it first or second section attend. In order to continue the rich history of great ritual performed by Wayfarer’s Lodge, your attendance is necessary at these practices.
As Master of the Lodge I thank you in advance for your participation.
Doug Steele
Worshipful Master
Wayfarer’s Lodge #50